senufo edition # five: Kassel Jaeger “aerae”

Kassel Jaeger lives and works in Paris. He’s a member of the GRM (Groupe de Recherches Musicales).

« Kassel Jaeger is an elusive shadow, a password, a catalytic entity, not a real name anyway (…) this rather enigmatic self-effacement serves the purpose of an
equally impenetrable aural art… » (Daniel Crokaert)

‘aerae’ is a weave of improvisations executed on various instruments (koto, rebab, positive organ, Coupigny modular synthesizer), captured and then treated as if they were field recordings. It’s about reducing the instrumental gesture to simple expressive material, shaping it while loosing control over it, letting it grow until there is no more readability in terms of ways of playing. Just like bad weed destroying the order of a highly organised garden.

Letterpressed sleeve printed by Ben Owen / Middle Press.
Numbered edition of 180 copies. SOLD OUT.

Listen to track 4:

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